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Common Tools


Basic Shape

[Creating basic shapes In DrainPlan]

To begin creating a shape, follow this method:

  1. Select Shape:

    • Navigate to the "Environment" tab in the top left menu.

    • Select your desired shape (E.g. Square, Circle).

  2. Enter Edit Mode:

    • Upon selecting a shape, you will enter "Edit Mode."

    • In Edit Mode, you will see a circular cursor snapping to the grid within the viewport.

  3. Create Shape

    • Using the Left Mouse Button (LMB), click and hold the LMB down and move the cursor in a direction to your desired size.

    • Release the LMB to create the shape, this will take you out of "Edit Mode".

  4. Moving Shape

    • Once you have created the shape and are out of "Edit Mode", you can now interact with it.

    • Use the LMB to drag and move the shape to relocate.

  5. Resize Shape

    • Left click the shape to select it, you should see its points highlight blue.

    • Using the LMB, select and drag any of the blue points to change the proportions of the shape.

  6. Rotate Shape

    • Left click the shape to select it, you should see its points highlight blue.

    • You should see a rotate prompt appear to the right of the shape, Use the LMB and drag this prompt to rotate the shape as you wish. Hold shift while dragging to rotate smoothly.

  7. Duplicate Shape

    • Left click the shape to select it, you should see its points highlight blue.

    • Use "Control" & "C" to copy the shape.

    • To paste the shape, use "Control" & "V". The shape will paste roughly where your mouse cursor is.

  8. Delete Shape

    • Left click the shape to select it, you should see its points highlight blue.

    • Press the "Delete" key on your keyboard to remove the shape from your drawing.


Line Tool

[Creating Lines for environment]

To begin creating a line, follow this method:

  1. Select Line Tool:

    • Navigate to the "Environment" tab in the top left menu.

    • Select the line tool within the "Shapes" section.

  2. Enter Edit Mode:

    • Upon selecting the line tool, you will enter "Edit Mode".

    • In Edit Mode, you will see a circular cursor snapping to the grid within the viewport.

  3. Create points:

    • Using the Left Mouse Button (LMB), you can place points within the viewport.

    • Just like the Drainage tool, lines will be created between the points you place.

  4. Finish Line:

    • Once you have created the line you wanted, use the "Enter key" on your keyboard to finish the line and exit "Edit Mode".

  5. Adjust Points:

    • Ensuring you are out of "Edit Mode", you can now make any adjustments needed.

    • Hover your mouse over the line until you see a point appear, Use the LMB to drag the point and reposition as needed.

  6. Remove Points:

    • Use the LMB to select a point, it should highlight.

    • Press the "Delete key" on your keyboard to remove the point, this will adjust the line accordingly.

  7. Delete Line:

    • Use the LMB to select the line, it should highlight blue.

    • Press the "Delete key" on your keyboard to delete the entire line.


Text Box

[Creating Textbox In DrainPlan]

To begin creating a TextBox, follow this method:

  1. Select Text:

    • Navigate to the "Environment" tab in the top left menu.

    • Select the "Text" tool.

  2. Enter Edit Mode:

    • Upon selecting Text tool, you will enter "Edit Mode."

    • In Edit Mode, you will see a circular cursor snapping to the grid within the viewport.

  3. Create Text

    • Using the Left Mouse Button (LMB), click and hold the LMB down and move the cursor in a direction to your desired size.

    • Release the LMB to create the Text, this will take you out of "Edit Mode".

  4. Enter Text

    • Upon creation of a TextBox, you will be able to input what you wish to display important information effectively.

    • You can re-edit text at any point simply by Using Left Mouse Button to select the textbox and using your keyboard to type.

  5. Moving Text

    • Once you have created the Text and are out of "Edit Mode", you can now interact with it.

    • Use the LMB to drag and move the Text to relocate.

  6. Resize Text

    • Left click the Text to select it, you should see its points highlight blue.

    • Using the LMB, select and drag any of the blue points to change the proportions of the Text.

  7. Rotate Text

    • Left click the Text to select it, you should see its points highlight blue.

    • You should see a rotate prompt appear to the right of the Text, Use the LMB and drag this prompt to rotate the Text as you wish. Hold shift while dragging to rotate smoothly.

  8. Duplicate Text

    • Left click the Text to select it, you should see its points highlight blue.

    • Use "Control" & "C" to copy the TextBox.

    • To paste the TextBox, use "Control" & "V". The Text will paste roughly where your mouse cursor is.

  9. Delete TextBox

    • Left click the TextBox to select it, you should see its points highlight blue.

    • Press the "Delete" key on your keyboard to remove the TextBox from your drawing.


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