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Plot Tool


Creating Plots

[How to create plots]

To create a plot in DrainPlan, follow these steps:

  1. Select Plot Tool:

    • Locate the plot tool within the "Environment" Tab in the top left corner.

    • Select the plot tool to enter "Edit Mode".

  2. Placing Points:

    • Once in "Edit Mode", a circular cursor follows your mouse within the viewport.

    • Use the Left Mouse Click to place points within the viewport. A minimum of 3 points is required to form an infill.

    • Arrange the points to form the desired shape.

  3. Removing Points:

    • To remove a point, use the Right Mouse Click. This removes the last point you placed.

  4. Finishing The Plot:

    • Press the "Enter Key" to stop placing points and exit "Edit Mode".

    • Note: You cannot add more points after exiting "Edit Mode".

  5. Moving Points:

    • Adjust the position of a point by Holding the Left Mouse Button down on the point you wish to move and repositioning it.


Locking Plots

[How to Lock the plot]

To lock the plot in DrainPlan, follow these steps:

  1. Select Plot:

    • Left-click the plot. Ensure you are out of "Edit Mode" to interact.

  2. Locking:

    • After clicking the plot, a prompt will appear next to one of the points with a lock icon.

    • Select this lock icon to lock the plot.

    • Note: Once locked, you cannot interact with any of the points or move the plot.

  3. Unlocking:

    • To unlock the plot, repeat the process: left-click the plot.

    • Click the unlock icon that appears next to one of the points.

    • Now you can interact with the plot again.


Moving Plots

[How to move plots]

To move a plot in DrainPlan, follow these simple steps:

  1. Ensure Plot is Unlocked:

    • Make sure the plot is unlocked to enable movement.

  2. Move Plot:

    • Left-click and hold anywhere inside the plot.

    • While holding the left mouse button, move the plot to the desired location.


Rotating Plots

[How to Rotate plots]

To rotate a plot in DrainPlan, follow these simple steps:

  1. Select Plot:

    • Ensure you are out of 'Edit Mode' to interact with the Plot.

    • Left-click the plot to highlight it.

  2. Rotate Plot:

    • A prompt will appear upon clicking the plot with a rotation icon.

    • Hold left click down on this prompt to begin rotating the plot, release the left mouse button when you are happy with the rotation.

    • Change Rotation Amount: You can rotate smoothly by holding down the shift button while rotating, this will toggle off the snap.


Deleting Plots

[How to delete a plot]

To delete a plot in DrainPlan, follow these simple steps:

  1. Select Plot:

    • Ensure you are out of 'Edit Mode' to interact with the Plot.

    • Left-click the plot to highlight it.

  2. Delete Plot:

    • Once the plot is selected and you can see all the points highlighted, you can then simply delete the plot by pressing "Delete" key on your keyboard.

    • A prompt will appear asking if you are sure you want to delete the plot, select yes and the plot will be deleted.


Shape Properties

[Changing the style of the Plot]

You can adjust the style of any Shape in DrainPlan following this method:

  1. Select Plot:

    • Ensure you are out of 'Edit Mode' to interact with the Plot.

    • Left-click to select the Plot.

  2. Shape Properties:

    • Upon selecting the Plot, the ShapeEditor will appear in the top left next to the Environment Tab.

    Modifying Plot:

    Once the Shape Editor is visible, utilize the following options:

    • Infill Colour: Change the infill colour of the plot.

    • Outline Color: Change the outline colour of the plot.

    • Outline Type: Change the type of outline surrounding the plot (Dashed, dotted, default).


Copying Plots

[How to duplicate a plot]

To copy and paste a plot in DrainPlan, follow these simple steps:

  1. Select Plot:

    • Ensure you are out of 'Edit Mode' to interact with the Plot.

    • Left-click the plot to highlight it.

  2. Copy Plot:

    • To Copy the plot hold "Control" and then press "C" on your keyboard, this will copy the plot ready for pasting.

  3. Paste Plot:

    • Once you have copied the plot, hold "Control" and then "V" to paste the plot. The plot will be created near the cursor within the viewport.


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